The HFA Show 2025 will redefine the fitness event experience.
Experts identify the key trends of 2024 and their influence moving forward.
HFA Research: A Growing, More Diverse Industry
Here's what HFA's 2024 U.S. Health & Fitness Consumer Report, the 2024 HFA Global Report, and other data tells us about industry trends.
The Evolution of Member Billing
As the fitness industry has evolved, so have operators' billing needs.
U.S. Fitness Facility Memberships Reach the Highest Level Ever as Dues Rise
Health and wellness is a value members embrace and are willing to put their money behind, according to the 2024 U.S. Health & Fitness Consumer Report, which also offers data about usage by facility types, member demographics, and their implications for your business.
Making Healthcare Referrals Profitable (Part 2)
In this follow-up from last month, we go deeper into the healthcare insurance reimbursement system and shed light on the complex processes that operators will encounter in providing this vital service to members.
Making Healthcare Referrals Profitable
While medical referrals offer potential new member and revenue opportunities, you need to approach building provider relationships strategically.
The Marketing Overhaul: Three Actions to Drive Profitable Growth
Learn the three pillars of marketing strategy and dive deep into marketing tactics that will allow you to implement each marketing pillar without a large marketing budget.
How a Customer-centric Culture Creates Success
By focusing on creating consistent, highly positive experiences for the customer, Xplor Mariana Tek has become a leading boutique fitness software solution.
2023 Global Report Reflects Optimism for Fitness Industry’s Future
Many of the largest companies posted solid results in 2022 and the first half of 2023, fueling optimism about the trajectory of the health and fitness industry. Get a glimpse into the 2023 IHRSA Global Report, available now.
Fitness Is the Top Focus of Americans’ New Year’s Resolutions
Nearly 96 million U.S. adults plan to prioritize health and fitness in 2025, and 88% of those adults see fitness facilities as key to achieving their goals.
Optimizing Health Club Billing and Collections
Keeping health club, gym, and studio billing under control can be easily managed when utilizing the correct softwares and training staff.
Member Exclusive
CEO Fireside Chat Ignites Excitement for IHRSA 2024
Successful health and fitness industry leaders provided market insights, growth opportunities, and strategies that improved business the past few years.
IHRSA 2023: A Historic Show, an Unforgettable Experience
Records were broken, champagne was popped, and nothing will be the same for the health and fitness industry again.
Moving Past the Pandemic: How Fitness Habits Have Changed
It’s no surprise exercise habits have changed. Sarah Marion, Ph.D., director of syndicated research at Murphy Research, notes that gyms and health clubs should leverage what makes their facility unique and worth visiting.
Fitness Veterans Explain How Gyms Can Attract All Generations
With 30+ years of experience between Sarah and Sal Pellegrino, their joint session at IHRSA 2023, 4 Gens by 2 Gens: How to Drive Four Generations to Your Gym, is sure to leave you with a toolbox of ideas to attract consumers of all generations.
34 Best Practices on Health Club Energy Efficiency & Environmental Safety
With energy prices increasing globally, it’s more important than ever to ensure your gym is operating efficiently and environmentally friendly.
Checklist for Health Clubs to Combat the Looming Energy Crisis
Energy shortages are affecting the global fitness industry, with Europe being the hardest hit. Here’s how health club operators can reduce their energy consumption and costs.
21 Best Practice Guidelines for Fitness Facility Layout & Design
The success of your health and fitness facility depends, in part, on making the most of your available space. Read these best practices to ensure that you’re making the most of your facility layout.
2022 IHRSA Global Report Recognizes Fitness Industry Resilience
The global health and fitness industry is experiencing successes and ongoing challenges throughout each region. Here’s a glimpse into what you can find in The 2022 IHRSA Global Report.
18 Best Practices to Develop Sales & Customer Acquisition Processes
Selling more memberships is key to expanding your business. These 18 tips will help you develop a top-notch sales process.
COVID and the Next Generation of Fitness Consumers
Young adults—specifically, Gen Z—are the next generation of fitness consumers. Sarah Marion, Ph.D., director of syndicated research at Murphy Research, gives us insight into Gen Z’s approach to health and how fitness facilities should target this market.
11 Best Practice Guidelines to Increase Customer Retention
In a competitive market, being able to predict and maintain recurring revenue is critical. Retaining your members and clients may now form the lifeblood to your business’ bottom line.
13 Best Practices to Enhance Your Club’s Customer Experience
The benefits of delivering a great customer experience include loyal, satisfied customers, better word-of-mouth marketing, positive reviews, and recommendations.
Best Practice Guidelines for Accounting & Finance
Establishing an organized accounting process is not an easy task, but implementing these general best practice guidelines can help you make sure your operation’s ledger is accurate and up-to-date.
Introducing 28 Best Practices to Operate a Fitness Facility
Welcome to the Playbook for Best Practice Guidelines, an evolving product that will be the ultimate go-to resource for ensuring best practices in health and fitness club operations.
Talks & Takes: Finding Your MVP and Community-Building Programs
This edition of Talks and Takes with fitness industry experts Brent Darden, Bill McBride, Blair McHaney, and Sara Kooperman, in collaboration with IHRSA and REX Roundtables, broke down the most recent news around the GYMS Act, McKinsey’s theory on when the pandemic will end, McDonald’s fitness approach, finding your MVP, and more.
4 Questions Gyms Asked the SBA About Recent EIDL Changes
Gym and studio owners recently got the chance to ask specific questions of a Small Business Administration representative. If you missed it, this article is for you.
Building an Advocacy Powerhouse
The National Health and Fitness Alliance is working towards advocating for the fitness industry with an ambitious policy agenda that is just what the industry ordered.
2021 Global Report Details Pandemic’s Impact on Club Industry
The 2021 IHRSA Global Report takes a deep dive into the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the fitness industry and its current path to recovery.
Fitness Industry Still Feels COVID’s Negative Impact
It is through the support of the health and fitness industry community and research that relief efforts continue.
Resources for Fitness Studios & Boutiques
A comprehensive list of all IHRSA resources created to help fitness studios, boutiques, and similar facilities succeed and grow. This page will be updated regularly.
Build Ties Between Lawmakers, Fitness Industry With a Lobby Day
Looking to amplify your lobbying efforts but don’t know where to start? Hosting a lobby day can be a great way to gain momentum and is easier than you think.
Lessons from State Fitness Alliances on Getting & Staying Open
State Fitness Alliance leaders have been working hard to protect the health and fitness industry in their states. Here are some tips and strategies from their efforts.
IHRSA Think Tank Event Examines Fitness Industry's Future
The second IHRSA Think Tank event, sponsored by Precor, again brought together senior leaders in the industry to discuss the future challenges, changes, and opportunities.
Coronavirus Resources for Health Clubs
A comprehensive list of all IHRSA resources created to help health clubs navigate the coronavirus outbreak. This page will be updated regularly.
Sustainability as a Future-proofing Tool for Gyms
Sustainability encourages businesses—including gyms—to frame decisions in terms of environmental, social, and human impact for the long term, as opposed to short-term revenue gains.
6 Strategies for the Fitness Industry to Survive
With new challenges for the fitness industry come new opportunities to collaborate and communicate. The first-ever IHRSA Think Tank provided an excellent platform for senior executive leaders to reimagine the future and assess the external factors that impact the industry.
The Updated Four-pronged Framework to Health Club Reopening
We’ve provided a framework to help clubs around the world manage risks associated with COVID-19 in exercise facilities.
8 Key Steps for Health Clubs to Take When Shutdowns Loom
With the next wave of COVID-19 forcing world governments to consider shutdowns again, we've put together eight steps gyms can take to help keep their clubs open or reopen as soon as possible.
How Gyms’ Childcare Programs Support Hybrid School Schedules
Gyms across the U.S. are making an impact in their communities and to their bottom line by adapting childcare services to support schools and families struggling due to COVID-19-related changes.
5 Ways to Increase Average Revenue Per Health Club Member
With the current disruption, health clubs need to maximize profits on a per customer basis. Here’s a surefire way to do it.
Resiliency & Innovation Are the Future of the Fitness Industry
"It's time to innovate or fold," writes Crystal Washington, futurist, technology strategist, and IHRSA Innovation Summit keynote speaker. Learn her perspective on the way ahead for the fitness industry.
18 Safety Considerations for Your Health Club Reopening Plan
Health clubs around the world are starting to think about when—and how—to safely reopen. Here are 18 safety considerations to incorporate into your planning.
Financial Considerations for Reopening Your Health Club [LIST]
You’ve likely reconsidered your financial strategy many times in the last few months, and as you reopen, you’ll need to take an even closer look. This list will help you navigate the new normal.
Budgeting for Your Health Club During a Pandemic [VIDEO]
Larry Conner, president and general manager of Stone Creek Club and Spa, will share with IHRSA Innovation Summit attendees how to create a budget plan that can handle it all. Here’s a sneak peek.
Coronavirus Conversations Club Operations Part 1 [WEBINAR]
Colin Grant, CEO of Pure International Group, shares his experience overseeing Pure’s 30+ locations across South Asia in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
How Your Club Can Survive a COVID-19-related Reclosure
After mandated closures around the globe earlier this year, many clubs are now faced with the possibility of having to close again due to surges in COVID-19 cases. Here are some ways to find opportunities in a reclosure.
Why Your Reopening Strategy Needs to Be Data-driven
As a health club operator, you need context and feedback to rebuild your business. Here are the digital tools to get you started.
Challenges & Opportunities in Finance as Gyms Reopen
In Part 2 of our series with Catic Wellness Group Owner Loni Wang, we will discuss the financial challenges and opportunities ahead for fitness club owners.
Challenges & Opportunities in Strategy as Gyms Reopen
Loni Wang, owner of Catic Wellness Group in China, shares how her health club fared with reopening. Part 1 of this series focuses on the challenges and opportunities for health club strategies.
8 Takeaways from IHRSA’s HV/LP Reopening Strategies Webinar
Fitness industry experts discussed the future of high-volume/low-price clubs as reopening approaches for many businesses in the world. Here are our top eight takeaways from the webinar.
The Four-pronged Framework to Health Club Reopening
We’ve provided a framework to help clubs around the world manage risks associated with COVID-19 in exercise facilities.
How One Virginia Gym Owner Is Approaching Safely Reopening
If you’re wondering what reopening your health club will look like, Gold’s Gym franchisee and fitness industry veteran Lori Lowell has three safety measures and four tips to share with you.
Fitness Industry Expert’s Five-stage Plan for Reopening
Membership experience expert Blair McHaney shares his data-driven five-stage plan for reopening.
Curated Strategy & Finance Resources for Your Health Club Staff [LIST]
These strategy and finance webinars, e-books, and articles are designed to strengthen your staff’s knowledge and strategic thinking during these uncertain times.
Coronavirus Stimulus Packages Around the Globe
Governments throughout the world are passing measures to provide financial relief to the hard-hit health and fitness club industry and their staff, as well as broader measures to support all business.
Coronavirus Conversations: Global Perspectives on Health Clubs & Physical Activity [WEBINAR]
Learn from two speakers who each bring an international perspective you can apply to your health club’s recovery strategy.
Navigating Health Club Staffing During Coronavirus Closures
As payrolls take a hit, explore your options before planning your health club’s path forward.
Coronavirus Conversations: Club Operations Part 2 [WEBINAR]
In the second part of our club operations series, Pure Group CEO Colin Grant tackles crucial topics on many club owners’ minds, from shutting down your club to preparing to reopen.
Managing Health Club Membership During the Coronavirus Crisis
It's time to think about membership dues, suspensions, and cancellations as mandated closures continue.
5 Tips for Negotiating With Your Health Club’s Landlord
No one is immune from the pressure COVID-19 is putting on the economy. Industry veterans Chris Craytor and Brad Simpson say we’re all in this together, and have five tips to share if you need to talk to your landlord soon.
Coronavirus Conversations: Legal FAQ & Staffing Operations [WEBINAR]
Two industry experts address legal, operational, and staffing concerns health clubs are facing during the coronavirus pandemic.
Passport Program Creates Global Connections Among Health Clubs
In its first year after going mobile, the evolving IHRSA Passport Program, powered by TrainAway, is reaching more clubs and more members.
This Report Should Be Part of Your Strategy for a Better 2020
Your club is probably bustling with members who are reviewing and revising their goals. You should be doing the same—and "The 2019 IHRSA Profiles of Success" could be your key to success.
How to Make Any Gym Look Like a Premium Club
Any health club business model can increase their value proposition if they choose the right equipment.
Budget Brand Boom Moves Health Club Market in New Direction
Know when you should consider converting your health club to a high-volume/low-price business model.
Take Control of Your Health Club’s Cash Flow
You’re losing money in preventable errors and returns if you don’t have the right billing system in place. Here’s where the money falls through the cracks.
Want Your Gym to Meet Its Financial Goals? Try This Strategy
How to know your OKRs from your KPIs, and why it matters.
Is Your Health Club Prepared for the January Rush?
It’s never too early to lay the groundwork for the critical first quarter. Here’s how to maximize your opportunities for next year’s “resolutions rush.”
Member Exclusive
Health Insurance Exercise Incentives: An Opportunity for Gyms
More and more health insurance companies are encouraging customers to be healthier and more physically active through incentives and reimbursement programs. These programs can benefit your members and business.
Can Your Health Club Save Money by Going Green?
Going green isn’t just good for the environment—it’s good for your bottom line. Here’s how you can save by choosing green products and services, from lighting to cleaning supplies.
Is Your Gym’s Waiver Unnecessary? It Should Be.
You can make your gym's waiver (almost) unnecessary by making sure it is well-written and by practicing good risk management.
How Your Health Club Can Profit from the 5S Method
The 5S system utilizes five principles for workplace organization and efficiency. Here’s how efficient systems can create a superior product.
The IHRSA Global 25: How the Best Health Clubs Get Better
Each year, The IHRSA Global 25 looks at the world’s top health club companies. Here’s how three of this year’s frontrunners are leveraging strategic initiatives to improve operations and drive revenues.
Should Your Gym Implement the Bundling Pricing Strategy?
Group pricing of amenities can transform a low-margin budget club into a profitable enterprise.
Solve Overcrowding at Your Gym with This Simple Equation
Understanding the basics of capacity management—‘Value = Utility – Price’—can put your club ahead of the curb.
Top 5 Profit Centers at Fitness-only Health Clubs
Leading fitness-only clubs generate 21.8% of total revenue from non-dues revenue profit centers. Our research expert breaks it down.
How Saudi Arabia’s Leejam Sports Is Exceeding Expectations
After Saudi Arabia introduced a package of socio-economic reforms, Leejam introduced a women-only club brand and conducted a successful IPO. Now, executives have set their sights on Leejam 3.0.
How a Creative Redesign Can Energize Your Gym & Build Revenue
Two successful health club brands reveal how a practical makeover changed everything for their business.
How to Build a Successful Health Club Franchise Model
Learn how to stay true to your club’s brand and differentiate yourself at the same time.
Will Your Waiver Protect Your Health Club?
Not all waivers are created equal. Here are the five main parts to a good health club waiver.
Wellness Programs Open a New World of Opportunities for Clubs
And the payoff can reach beyond health club members into revenue streams.
Is the Mid-market Squeeze Threatening Your Health Club?
When it comes to your business model, it pays to “think different.”
Dazzle Your Health Club Members Without Busting Your Budget
Today’s consumers want it all. Here’s how today’s facilities can serve their demands.
Top 5 Profit Centers at Multipurpose Health Clubs
While membership dues/fees revenue is the lifeblood of health clubs, top-tier clubs also generate a significant portion of revenue from non-dues services—including profit centers.
How to Optimize Your Health Club’s Cash Flow
If your club doesn’t have a trusted partner to handle payments and debt collections, you risk leaving money on the table.
3 Ways Boomers & Silents Can Drive Fitness Industry Growth
Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation can help drive health club member growth and, ultimately, profits. Our research expert explains.
Thinking of Franchising a Health Club?
The franchising sector is expected to maintain its 5.2% growth trajectory through 2023. Here’s what to consider before taking the plunge.
A Brief Guide to Gym Pricing from IHRSA’s Profiles of Success
The pricing information in Profiles of Success can serve as a guide when developing your own club’s pricing strategy. Our research expert breaks it down.
Health Clubs Serve Over 70 Million Consumers—a Record High
Not only are more consumers using health clubs—they’re starting to visit a number of clubs to achieve their goals, according to the IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report.
How to Take Over a Closing Health Club’s Membership Agreements
A nearby club is closing, and you want to take it over. Are you aware of all the steps you’ll need to take?
How Technology Can Help You Get the Most Out of Your Equipment
New and developing technology in predictive asset management systems is just the tip of the iceberg for improving your gym—and your capex.
Rethinking Retail: Your Gym’s Untapped Non-dues Revenue Source
The world of retail has changed dramatically, especially for health clubs. Here’s what’s working today, according to three industry leaders.
Finding Success as a Small-market Health Club
Everyone should have access to a health club. But some areas of the country in small and medium-sized markets are underserved with limited options in choice of fitness facilities.
Why Most Startup Fitness Studios Fail
To make profit from your passion, you have to think “business first.”
India's Health Club Industry: 3 Key Challenges & Opportunities
India ranks fifth in market size among Asia-Pacific health club markets, leaving considerable space for opportunities to increase memberships and accessibility to more fitness clubs.
The IHRSA Global 25: How 3 Businesses Soared to New Heights
Explosive growth can make or break your company—unless you prepare for it, as these three successful franchisors have.
The Cost of Replacing a Health Club Member
The cost of replacing a member goes beyond sales and marketing expenses, according to data from IHRSA’s Profiles of Success.
5 Key Asia-Pacific Health Club Industry Insights
An analysis of the 14 markets within the divergent region uncovers trends, areas of growth, and places for opportunity.
How Green Gyms Became Revenue Engines
Costs and logistics have held back some club owners from going green, but creating a sustainable-energy gym is quickly becoming a winning strategy—especially with younger consumers.
Is Your Gym Taking Full Advantage of Automatic Billing?
If you only use automatic billing for membership dues, you’re missing opportunities to optimize your gym’s revenue streams.
The Importance of Data Collection for Health Clubs
Learn how to crunch the numbers to optimize revenue with these takeaways from an IHRSA 2018 session.
Vital Behaviors to Skyrocket the Success of Your Health Club
During his IHRSA 2018 session, Don Murphy of Gold’s Gym Newburgh shared insights gained from his 30 years’ experience, from member onboarding to marketing strategies.
The Fitness Formula Factor: Standing Out in the Chicago Market
Gale Landers’ business algorithm has turned Fitness Formula Clubs into one of Chicago’s dominant health club chains.
Endless Improvement: Six Sigma and the Cincinnati Sports Club
By employing Six Sigma, the Cincinnati Sports Club eliminates problems-one, by one, by one.
When Faced with Fitness Industry Trends, Be Your Own Disruptor
To grow your business, you have to evolve and take risks. Here's how to make sure the industry's changing trends don't leave you behind.
Strategy is Key to Running a Winning Fitness Business
Successful health club businesses are built on a long-term vision surrounding strategic goals and a short-term vision surrounding actionable planning.
Member Exclusive
Buying New Fitness Equipment: It's Just Good Business
Depreciation, or "maintenance capex," is a real expense in the health club industry. Here's what you need to know.
How to Grow from a Single Health Club to a Chain
The Sansone brothers opened their first club 30 years ago. Today, The Edge Fitness Clubs have 16 fitness centers, with number 17 expected to launch in February.
5 Health Club Operators Speculate on What's to Come in 2018
As the New Year begins, a group of IHRSA's newest health club members set their sights on the next 12 months and beyond.
How Total Fitness is Taking Poland’s Mid-market Segment by Storm
The Total Fitness CEO shares the growing company's formula for success in the burgeoning Polish health club market.
How Reinvesting in Your Fitness Business Impacts 3 Important KPIs
Health club operators who reinvest in their business can profitably impact key performance indicators (KPIs), according to IHRSA's 2017 Profiles of Success. Our research expert explains.
Fitness Industry Leaders Tackle the ‘Big’ Questions
It can be difficult to step back from daily operations to think about long-term strategy. Here are some questions that should be on your radar.
The Future of the German Discount Fitness Market
The discount fitness market in Germany exploded since its birth in the 90s, but its growth is beginning to slow down, says PRIME TIME fitness Founder Henrik Gockel.
Jumpstart Your Health Club’s Non-dues Revenue Growth
Ancillary income is always second priority to membership dues, but you’re leaving money on the floor if you don’t have a strategy for non-dues income growth.
When Passion Meets Practicality: From Roadblocks to Fitness Success
Learn how two club operators who faced location and design roadblocks managed to transform their ideas into brick-and-mortar successes.
More Money, More Problems? How to Avoid Growth Pains in the Health Club Industry
Tracking cash flow and managing funds for growth in the midst of ongoing market disruptions require special expertise.
4 Financial KPIs to Watch at Your Health Club
With so much financial data at our fingertips these days, it's hard to know which key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor. So we asked an expert.
How to Develop Your Health Club's Strategic Plan
Creating a strategic plan from scratch can be a massive undertaking for any health club owner. This roadmap will get you started.
Member Exclusive
How Much Should I Spend on Fitness Equipment?
There's no magic number when it comes to investing in fitness equipment, but the IHRSA Health Club Equipment Report provides some valuable insights.
Which Strategic School of Thought is Right for Your Health Club?
There are three new strategic schools of thought when it comes to health club strategic planning. Find out which is right for you.
10 Exciting New Revenue Streams for Health Clubs
Many clubs are strengthening their bottom lines with ancillary services. Here's a look at 10 creative new revenue streams.
3 Tips for Effective Strategic Planning for Health Club Professionals
It's easy for a strategic plan to veer off course. Merritt Athletic Clubs VP Mark Miller shares three tips to keep your strategic plan on track.
Will They Come? 4 Factors that Matter Most in Calculating Health Club Demand
It's critical to understand several factors when it come to calculating the local demand before opening a new club. These four matter most.
Member Exclusive
Tracking Club Performance On an Ongoing Basis is a Must for Any Savvy Club Operator
In partnership with IHRSA, STR’s benchmarking platform provides the club industry with ongoing findings and insights into club operations and market growth.