IHRSA 2019 in Photos & Videos

    More than 12,000 fitness industry professionals attended IHRSA 2019 in San Diego, March 13-16. Here’s a peek at the event’s top moments.

    After a year of anticipation, the 38th Annual IHRSA International Convention & Trade Show began bright and early on March 13. More than 12,000 fitness industry professionals representing nearly 80 countries convened for the four-day event, which took place in San Diego, CA for the second consecutive year.

    IHRSA 2019 attendees experienced four dynamic keynote presentations, attended education sessions given by industry experts, and were the first to check out the latest fitness equipment and technology during the two-day Trade Show. They also had a chance to test out the latest programming during early morning workouts, network at receptions, and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.

    With 150 education sessions and nearly 400 Trade Show exhibitors, it’s impossible to capture everything that went on at IHRSA 2019, but here are some highlights to give you a taste of the event the fitness industry was buzzing about last week.

    IHRSA 2019 Keynote Speakers

    Chris Riddell Looks into the Future

    On March 13, Digital Technology Expert and Futurist Chris Riddell explained why good is no longer good enough in his Myzone-sponsored keynote presentation, “Future Customer 2020.”

    According to Riddell, if you want to be in the fitness industry in the next three years and you want to be a transformer and disruptor, the top four trends you'll need to capitalize on in order to succeed are:

    • the sharing economy
    • augmented intelligence
    • the internet of things
    • blockchain

    “This is the era of hyper-experiences,” he said. “You have to create exceptional experiences every time. Good is no longer good enough. And the power of the Internet of Things enables us to do this.”

    Mel Robbins’ 5-second Rule

    On day two, Author and Entrepreneur Mel Robbins inspired attendees in her Technogym-sponsored keynote, “The 5 Second Rule: Achieve Breakthrough Performance in Your Career & Life."

    “There is a window that defines your entire life and it’s only five seconds long … I call it the window of hesitation,” Robbins said on March 14. “Once you see this window of hesitation you’re going to see it everywhere. There’s a five-second window between when you feel inspired and when the fear and excuses make you back away.”

    19Cv Bhargava

    Rohit Bhargava on Earning Trust

    On March 15, Rohit Bhargava, author and innovation & marketing expert, revealed the five secrets of building trust among employees and customers in his Matrix Fitness-sponsored keynote, “Be More Trusted in a Skeptical World.”

    "There’s a delta between what people do because they have to and what people do because they want to, and if you can just fill that delta that’s where you get your most loyal customers from," Bhargava said. "And I believe it comes down to trust."

    Industry News 19Cv Denise Lee Yohn Column

    Denise Lee Yohn Talks Brand Culture

    On Saturday, March 16, Author, Brand Expert, and Consultant Denise Lee Yohn closed out IHRSA 2019 with her Gympass-sponsored keynote presentation, “The Fusion Formula: Brand + Culture = Results.”

    “You need to align your brand and culture,” Yohn said. “To do this, you need to ground your organization in an overarching purpose and a single set of core values.”

    Those core values should be unique to your organization.

    “You don’t want a better culture...you want a unique culture,” she said. “Better is unsustainable, but unique us unstoppable. No one can copy your uniqueness and no one can win without uniqueness.”

    Industry News 19Cv Wls Speaker Column

    10th Annual IHRSA Women's Leadership Summit

    Another standout speaker was Emmy Award-winning Documentary Filmmaker Sarah Moshman, who spoke at the 10th IHRSA Women’s Leadership Summit, sponsored by Club Automation + CSI Spectrum. During the Summit on Wednesday, Moshman led an inspiring discussion focused on goal setting and harnessing your creativity to women from across the industry.

    IHRSA 2019 Trade Show

    Industry News 19Cv Trade Show From Above Column

    Gearing Up for the Trade Show

    More than 370 exhibitors were hard at work on Wednesday, March 13, getting the Trade Show floor ready for attendees to check out state-of-the-art equipment, products, and services. The IHRSA 2019 Trade Show floor was open Thursday and Friday.

    The IHRSA 2019 Trade Show Opens

    The 2019 IHRSA Trade Show opened on Thursday to crowds of attendees eager to be the first to check out the latest and greatest equipment, products, and services from more than 370 exhibitors.

    Early Morning Work Outs at the Trade Show

    There's never a dull moment on the Trade Show floor—especially during the Early Morning Workouts! To learn more about featured equipment, products, and services, check out our IHRSA Live Studio interviews with select exhibitors.

    Industry News 19Cv Krystal Nielson Bachelor Column

    Trade Show in Paradise

    ABC's Bachelor in Paradise's Krystal Nielson and Chris Randone posed for photos with fans and taught Trade Show attendees how to use Proven Fitness Solutions' SmartSquat. See more in IHRSA's Instagram stories from day three.

    IHRSA 2019 News & Awards

    MINDBODY Receives Associate Member of the Year Award

    Software company MINDBODY, an IHRSA member since 2005, was selected as the Associate Member of the Year due to their outstanding achievements, innovation, and support of the health and fitness industry, their continued investment in cutting-edge technology, and unwavering support of IHRSA and its members.

    “We are honored to receive this award,” Rick Stollmeyer, CEO and co-founder of MINDBODY, said in a release. “Since starting in my garage in 2001, we have been focused on helping fitness and wellness business owners achieve their dreams while enabling millions of people to live healthier, happier lives. The fitness and wellness industry has nearly doubled since then, and our focus in the decade ahead is to double it again. We are pleased to partner with IHRSA toward this paramount goal.”

    Francesca Schuler Receives IHRSA Woman Leader Award

    In-Shape Health Clubs CEO Francesca Schuler accepted IHRSA’s Woman Leader Award in Honor of Julie Main. Schuler's successful career as a marketing executive led her on the path to the fitness industry. She has a passion for developing people and creating opportunities for all levels and functions to build a career. Since joining In-Shape Health Clubs as CMO in 2015, Schuler’s people-first approach to leadership earned her the title of CEO for the California-based club chain.

    “I am incredibly honored to receive IHRSA’s Woman Leader Award in honor of Julie Main. I am proud of the diverse group of talented women and men on our team and the work we’ve done to enable our passionate team members to not just work in fitness, but build a career in the industry. I'm inspired by all my peers and motivated to continue cultivating our future leaders,” she said in a release.

    Midtown Sanctuaire Receives Outstanding Community Service Award

    Midtown Sanctuaire received this year’s Outstanding Community Service Award for its far-reaching work in the community. The club’s commitment to increasing awareness of mental health issues, and raising funds to support the Montreal Jewish General Hospital Foundation and Auxiliary, is one example of their passion.

    Midtown Sanctuaire annually hosts the hospital’s signature MINDSTRONG fitness event, helping to raise nearly $4.5 million to support mental health services in the last four years.

    “It is such an honor to receive an award for something we are so passionate about. Partnering with the community is not only what we do but it also defines who we are,” General Manager Diane Saucier said in a release.

    IHRSA Partners with the WHO

    At the opening of Thursday's keynote presentation, IHRSA President and CEO Joe Moore announced IHRSA's partnership with the World Health Organization's Let’s Be Active campaign, a global action plan on physical activity.

    Moore played the above video for the audience and let attendees know that there will soon be opportunities for IHRSA member clubs to get involved.

    Industry News 19Cv Derek Gallup  Column

    230 Million by 2030

    Last year, UFC Gym CEO and IHRSA Board Chair Derek Gallup announced 230 Million by 2030, IHRSA’s global initiative to increase physical activity through health club membership. On Thursday, Gallup, now the Board's ex-officio, announced that in one year the industry grew global membership from 162 million to 174 million.

    “If we continue at that rate every year until 2030, we’ll hit 400 million members," he said. "There’s a huge opportunity ahead of us."

    Gallup gave an overview of the top 10 countries with the highest percentage of health club members, with Sweden in the number one spot at 21%. He also shared the top 10 countries with the fastest growth in club membership, with the Philippines in the lead with a 33% increase.

    "Ninety-four percent of the world doesn’t have a gym membership," Gallup said. Clubs think they're competing with one another, but "the real competition is inactivity."

    Industry News 19Cv New Board Members  Column

    IHRSA Board Elects New Members

    The IHRSA Board of Directors elected four new members to serve a four-year term. Congratulations to Little Rock Athletic Centers CEO Frank Lawrence, SNFW Fitness BC Ltd. CEO and President Chris Smith, Stevenson Fitness Owner Chris Stevenson, and Chelsea Piers Executive Director and EVP Greta Wagner!

    IHRSA 2019 Events & Networking

    Industry News 19Cv Fbf Meet Up Column

    Fitness Business Podcast #FBPFamily Meet Up

    Early risers got a jump-start on the day and the Convention on Wednesday by attending the Fitness Business Podcast #FBPFamily Meet Up for a walk along the coast at sunrise.

    Industry News 19Cv Making Connections Orientation Column

    ‘Making Connections’ Orientation

    The convention kicked off Wednesday morning with the "Making Connections" Orientation, where about 100 first-time attendees—hailing from as far away as Denmark and Saudi Arabia—learned how to make the most out of their IHRSA 2019 experience. Attendees also networked with other club operators and IHRSA board members at the standing-room-only event.

    Industry News 19Cv Mel Robbins Vip Column

    Mel Robbins VIP Session

    Industry Leadership Council members got to hear more from Mel Robbins during her VIP session in the Industry Leadership Council (ILC) Lounge.

    Did you know anyone who contributes to the ILC can get access to the ILC Experience, which provides special networking and leadership opportunities at the Annual IHRSA International Convention & Trade Show? Learn how to get access at IHRSA 2020!

    Industry News 19Cv Fireside Chat Column

    Getting Cozy with Fireside Chats

    New for 2019, IHRSA’s Fireside Chats are interactive, problem-solving sessions where industry influencers meet in intimate settings and take a deep dive into the most pressing issues clubs encounter. On Friday, O2 Fitness COO Shawn Stewart shared his tips for developing a culture of success.

    Industry News 19Cv Early Morning Workout Column

    Getting an Early Start with Exercise Classes

    Hats off to the motivated attendees who worked out in one of the early morning exercise programs! Thursday’s classes included Take Barre to New Heights!, STOTT PILATES: The Fitness Circle Flex Workout, and LES MILLS GRIT — High Intensity Interval Training, powered by Polar Club.

    Want an even more in-depth look at IHRSA 2019? Check out our daily highlight articles below! You can also find our social coverage on Instagram.

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    HFA Staff @HealthFitAssoc

    This article was a team effort by several HFA experts.