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Technology Hacks for Personal Trainers
Now more than ever, technology and personal training go hand-in-hand. Learn how to implement new trends in technology to boost your client’s experience. This IHRSA Online Learning class is available to you on-demand with in-depth content.
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Michael Cunico
National Fitness Manager
Fitness First Australia
List, define, describe, prioritize, and summarize all that has come and gone, is still with us, and is coming in the world of fitness technology. From old methods of communication to new ideas on content creation, learn what it takes to connect to your clients today. Take a peek into the future and leave with a list of achievable goals to implement and ideas on what to watch out for in the world of fitness technology.
Learnings Objectives:
- Identify the current state of technology within the fitness industry and explore what will “stick” based on recent information
- Compare digital-led strategies available in the fitness industry with traditional business methodologies, such as lead generation, assessment, client management and tracking, and building your client base
- List strategies to leverage online communications, while considering the implications of these strategies and how to prioritize these methods over more traditional paths
- Identify where the industry and technology will head to next as well as the skills that fitness professionals will need to stay relevant
Presenter Profile:
Michael Cunico is the National Fitness Manager for Fitness First Australia. He is responsible for driving the strategic direction of both the personal training and group exercise departments for the organization. He oversees a department that includes 2,500 fitness professionals and has delivered training to thousands of trainers and instructors globally.