CBI December 2017

Today, though many companies focus intensely on innovation, few of their efforts actually succeed, observes Lisa Bodell, the founder of futurethink, and a keynote speaker at IHRSA 2018. Bodell’s prescription: “Create space for change.” She details the process in “Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution,” her MYZONE-sponsored presentation.

“Despite our best intentions, most efforts at innovation fall flat simply because the business itself was designed to prevent it. While we encourage creativity, we exist within a system that’s built to discourage it.”

Lisa Bodell, founder and CEO



HIIT Meets H2O

Aqua-HIIT programs allow clubs to sharpen their competitive edge and capitalize on a growing trend.

The Good News About Health Club Consumers

The newest research suggests that the opportunities outweigh the challenges.

Extra-Sensory Perceptions

The cloud— and billions of connected 'things'— are transforming everything about clubs.

Is Online-Ex the Next BIG Thing?

IHRSA clubs are providing high-quality classes for people on the go.

News & Know How

First Person: Melissa Haase

IHRSA 2018 presenter Melissa Haase, of Midtown Health, endorses a tribal club culture


TRUE Fitness, Traverse Lateral Trainer

Outstanding Workouts

Today, when it comes to flooring, clubs want performance, functionality, aesthetics, and more in this month's F.I.T. Extra.

IHRSA Report

Make Every Minute Count

Losses remind one of the importance of family and friends, observes IHRSA Chairperson Derek Gallup in this month's First Set.

Best Practices

Jeffrey Perkins discusses child abuse reporting; Casey Conrad on effective interviewing

Are Your Contracts in Shape for 2018?

Review your club’s membership contracts and agreements to protect against legal risks.

From Startup to Award-Winner

Though a world apart, IHRSA and Aquafit have achieved, and enjoyed, success by association together.

Value Proposition: Perfect Gym

Can a single club management platform serve clients in virtually any country on earth? Perfect Gym says, "Yes".

The New IHRSA.ORG Meets Your Needs

IHRSA’s new website looks and performs even better than before, reports Joe Moore, the president and CEO of IHRSA in this month's Last Rep.