Talks & Takes: Knowing Your Technology, Music Lawsuits, & More [VIDEO]
In this month’s episode, the hosts discussed knowing your gym’s data, why you need to perform a compliance audit on your business, and more.
Solve staffing problems by getting to know your current staff’s desires! Alex Castro, J.D., and Adam Sloustcher, J.D., from Fisher & Phillips, LLP, share a few ways to solve staffing shortage challenges in the fitness industry.
Talks & Takes: Knowing Your Technology, Music Lawsuits, & More [VIDEO]
In this month’s episode, the hosts discussed knowing your gym’s data, why you need to perform a compliance audit on your business, and more.
Vaccine Mandates: 3 Lessons From the Flu to Help Guide the Way
Federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates have gym owners facing steep fines for non-compliance—and the potential loss of unvaccinated employees. Dennis Mathias shares strategies from 10 years of managing flu vaccine mandates.
Five Takeaways from the Gymshark Music Copyright Case
Getting caught in a music copyright case can be expensive. Here are key takeaways and music copyright best practices for fitness facilities taken from an ongoing case.
Helping Health Club Operators Respond to Lawsuits
Personal injury lawsuits are scary, but you have more protections—and less reason to be concerned—than you might think.
4 Vaccine Policy Considerations to Manage Safety & Expectations
As more Americans receive the COVID-19 vaccine, there are several matters health club operators will need to consider. We looked at insights and perspectives from legal experts to help answer your questions around vaccine policies for members and visitors.
The Best Health Club Protection Is Proactive
There are several steps you can take to help optimize safety and reduce liability and risk.
Vaccine Policy Considerations for Health Club Staff
As more Americans receive their vaccine doses, club operators will have to consider a number of issues around the vaccine for both staff and visitors. This article collates insights and perspectives, things to consider in determining whether to mandate versus encourage vaccines.
COVID-19 Relief & Information for the U.S. Fitness Industry
A comprehensive list of all U.S. specific COVID-19 relief and closure information to help health clubs navigate the coronavirus outbreak. This page will be updated regularly.
Coronavirus Resources for Health Clubs
A comprehensive list of all IHRSA resources created to help health clubs navigate the coronavirus outbreak. This page will be updated regularly.
HFA Addresses Proposed Changes to Coverage for Anti-Obesity Medications
The association remains committed to working with all administrations to promote policies that improve public health through greater access to fitness facilities and programs.
HFA Holds Policy Briefing to Inform Members on New Click-to-Cancel Rule
On November 13, HFA hosted a policy briefing with the goal of informing fitness facility operators and stakeholders about the implications of the FTC's finalized Negative Option Rule, and equipping facilities to adapt smoothly to regulatory changes while protecting their bottom line.
What You Need to Know About Masks in Your Fitness Center
With some localities mandating masks in public places, clubs need to consider the logistics, member management, and legal implications of mask and face covering requirements.
How Are Health Clubs Handling Mask Mandates?
Governments around the globe are mandating the use of masks in public places, causing uncertainty for health clubs. Here's what we know about face covering requirements and the best path forward for your health club.
5 Takeaways: Legal Expert Talks Health Club Reopening
Attorney Adam Sloustcher joined us for a webinar to discuss new legal considerations for staff as clubs reopen. Here are our five key takeaways.
Surviving COVID-19: A Legal Guide for Health Clubs
Attorney Tony Ellrod shares legal and other issues being posed as health clubs traverse a world impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Why All Gyms Need to Follow the Peloton Music Copyright Case
Ten music publishers sued Peloton for $150 million for violating music copyright law. What could this mean for the fitness industry?
Understanding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act includes mandatory employer-provided emergency sick pay and emergency paid family leave for certain circumstances related to COVID-19. Learn about the law that takes effect on April 1.
Coronavirus Conversations: Legal FAQ & Staffing Operations [WEBINAR]
Two industry experts address legal, operational, and staffing concerns health clubs are facing during the coronavirus pandemic.
2019 Legislative Session Delivers Gifts to Fitness Industry
Fitness memberships and equipment make great gifts during the holidays, but what are the presents health clubs want?
What Gyms Need to Know Before Selling Gift Certificates
When selling gift certificates, it's important to know what the specific laws are in your state. If you aren't careful, it could cost you.
Gym Boss or Worker: Who Benefits from 2019 Legislative Trends?
Take a look at the trends sweeping the country. These changes to employment law are impacting health clubs and businesses in every industry.
How Health Clubs Can Approach Transgender Issues
Health clubs are finding themselves playing referee between the rights of their transgender members and the privacy rights of other members. What can they do, especially when the law isn't always clear?
Your Fitness Business Suffered a Data Breach. Now What?
You took all the right steps to protect your health club member’s data, but there was still a data breach. What do you do to minimize the damage?
How an Emerging Fitness Trend Can Become an Industry Threat
IHRSA's team keeps an eye on all possible threats and when the time comes, shares any actionable intelligence with you.
7 Ways to Protect Your Health Club From a Data Breach
Your gym has valuable information about your members. If something happens to this data, it can cost your business millions and hurt your reputation.
Federal Legislation That Could Change the Fitness Industry
When lawmakers start recognizing physical activity as the literal lifesaver it can be, it could mean policies with significant impact on the fitness industry—and our country.
Is Your Gym’s Waiver Unnecessary? It Should Be.
You can make your gym's waiver (almost) unnecessary by making sure it is well-written and by practicing good risk management.
3 Common Music Copyright Questions From Gym Owners Like You
Music can set the mood in your club, but music could cost you more than you initially planned if you aren’t careful.
Member Exclusive
Everything You Need to Know About Playing Music in Your Gym
If you have questions about music copyright laws and your gym, IHRSA’s Helen Durkin has the answers for everything from if there are exemptions to copyright fees to how the laws are enforced.
Protecting Your Health Club Members’ Health & Data Privacy
HIPAA protects the security and privacy of individuals’ health information. Does your health club need to comply with these regulations? Here’s what you need to know.
Designing Your Gym: Follow the Guidelines or Risk Exposure
What can your health club learn from the Jimenez v. 24 Hour Fitness court case on complying with the ASTM standards and treadmill spacing? We asked an attorney to break it down.
Tapping into the Biometric Revolution in a Shifting Landscape
If you're thinking about incorporating biometric information into your health club, there are four principles you need to consider to help protect yourself.
How Your Health Club Can Stop a Proposed Sales Tax
Club owners, employees, and members can help stop proposed sales taxes on health club memberships in five easy steps!
When Your Health Club Goes the Wrong Kind of Viral
Today’s exercise trends are creating more opportunities for the spread of harmful germs and viruses. That could be a liability nightmare. Here’s what to do.
Online Crises & the Legal Ramifications for Health Clubs
What do streaming music, cyber-bullying, and employee social media practices have in common? All can cause expensive, revenue-losing problems for health clubs.
How Should You Compensate Group Exercise Instructors?
Clubs need to think carefully about how to structure the compensation for group exercise instructors.
Service Animals in Health Clubs: What You Need to Know
It’s important to understand your club’s rights and responsibilities when managing a situation involving a service animal.
Will Your Waiver Protect Your Health Club?
Not all waivers are created equal. Here are the five main parts to a good health club waiver.
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act Apply to Your Website?
Having an Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant website ensures that all people can access your site’s content and can prevent a lawsuit down the road. Here’s what gym operators need to know.
Protecting Your Gym From the Next Storm of Laws & Regulations
A new wave of legislation and regulation is heading for the fitness industry. Issues like state revenue, broader consumer protections, and managing data are building at the state level across the U.S.
3 Keys to an Effective Health Club Contract
Do you know what makes an effective health club contract? Before you start looking at templates, here are three things you should do.
How to Prevent Injuries in Your Health Club
With so many club members using a wide variety of equipment, injuries can happen at any time. Here are some tips to keep your members injury-free and minimize your liability risks.
Understanding How the IRS Classifies Your Group Exercise Instructors
Many health clubs don’t understand how to properly classify and compensate their group exercise instructors. Often it comes down to how much autonomy the instructors have.
8 Ways to Protect Your Health Club's Trainers and Clients
How close is too close? Keep your trainers and clients safe by following our guidelines for building and maintaining professional working relationships.
Protecting Your Gym’s Member Data in a Digital World
Informed consent is critical to managing personal information safely—especially when it comes to biometric technology.
Member Exclusive
Injury Liability: An IHRSA Briefing Paper
Injuries could occur at your club at any time. If one happens, would you know how to protect your business from being liable?
What If a Member at My Gym Has an Eating Disorder?
Concerned a member at your gym has an eating disorder? Read our legal expert's guidance before you act.
Making Your Health Club a Safe Space for Kids
A kid-friendly environment can make your gym feel like family, while also providing a competitive advantage to your business.
Why Sending a Text Has Big Implications for Your Health Club
Before you send that text blast about your club’s seasonal discounted classes, make sure you are in compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
Member Exclusive
Independent Contractors: An IHRSA Briefing Paper
If you're looking to expand your team but are unsure of whether an employee or an independent contractor would best suit your needs, IHRSA's briefing paper has the answers to all of your questions.
AED Obligations Your Health Club May Not Know About
Are you aware of your legal obligations regarding automated external defibrillators (AEDs)? If not, here's exactly what you need to know.
Does Your Health Club Need to Comply with HIPAA?
If your club runs health and wellness programs you may need to comply with HIPAA, which regulates the use and sharing of health information.
The Global Fitness Industry Prepares for GDPR
The European Union’s new data protection policy has universal implications. Is your fitness business prepared to meet the new standards?
6 Ways to Manage Difficult Situations at Your Health Club
These six steps will help any health club owner manage a “difficult” member in a quick and effective manner.
Transgender Use of Health Club Locker Rooms
Do you know what to do when a member who identifies as transgender wants to use the locker room of the gender they identify with—not necessarily the sex they anatomically match?
5 Things Gym Operators Need to Know About GDPR
The new European Data Protection Regulation, going into effect on May 25, will impact more gyms than you might think.
Employment Law Fundamentals for Health Clubs
Educate yourself and your club's staff to avoid and/or deal with possible problems.
Are Your Gym’s Contracts in Shape?
Keeping your gym's membership contracts up-to-date doesn't have to be intimidating. Minimize the risk of consumer litigation by following these guidelines.
The Best Way to Handle Problem Members
At some point, you may find yourself dealing with a member whose behavior warrants membership termination. Here's what you should do.
The Legal Issues in Locker Room Privacy and Safety
You've chosen the features and amenities for your locker room, but have you considered all the policy and security issues you'll need to include?
Why Your Gym Should Have a Harassment Policy
There's a chance at some point your club will deal with complaints of harassment. The best way to protect your business is with a harassment policy.
Privacy & Fitness Technology: Securing Your Members’ Data Is Essential
If you're incorporating wearable device data into exercise classes, you need to make sure you're protecting the sensitive health information they contain.
How to Keep Kids Safe at Your Club
Learn from three scenarios that could happen at your health club, and apply them to your policies to keep kids healthy and safe.
Will Your Health Club's Social Media Policy Get You Sued?
Social media can be a great tool, but if used incorrectly it can cause problems. It may be time to take a closer look at your club's social media policy.
Enforcing Health Club Rules: 3 Hypothetical Situations and Solutions
It's inevitable that conflicts will arise among members at your club. Know your rights, and how and when to take action to enforce your gym's rules.