Health & Fitness Association Board Service

The Health & Fitness Association Board of Directors is an experienced, intelligent team of industry leaders. They are chosen to serve HFA in particular and the fitness industry in general by providing guidance, strategic direction, and insight that has lasting global impact!

Serving the Health & Fitness Association, its members, and the industry.

Each year, two to four board positions are filled as existing board members complete their terms of service. This ensures that seasoned board members sit side by side with new ones, providing a balance of ideas that can propel our association to new heights of success. Applications for the 2025-2029 term are currently under review.

The Role of the Health & Fitness Association Board

Strategic Planning: Set standards, policies, values, and vision to increase the benefits to member clubs.

Promotion and Communication: Serve as the recognized liaison between the HFA, member clubs, and suppliers.

Governance: Provide oversight to ensure that the HFA is implementing its strategic initiatives.

Health & Fitness Association Board Responsibilities and Expectations

A board member’s responsibilities will require approximately 5-10 hours per month, including travel to two or three annual two-day board meetings, committee participation (usually phone/written correspondence), and remaining informed about the HFA board documentation.

Board Composition

  1. Directors must be qualified as “regular” members of the Health & Fitness Association.
  2. The HFA board is comprised of 12 to 18 directors; between two and four new directors will be elected each year.
  3. Directors serve a four-year term.
  4. Directors will be designated Class A, B, or C with each new class containing at least one Class A and one Class B or Class C Director. Tenure will not be affected by a status change during term.
    • a) Class A director is the owner, principal, franchisee or lessee of not more than five (5) clubs or club management companies or the designated representative of such owner, principal, franchisee or lessee.
    • b) Class B director is the owner, principal, franchisee or lessee of more than five (5) but fewer than fifty (50) clubs or club management companies or the designated representative of such owner, principal, franchisee or lessee.
    • c) Class C director is the owner, principal, franchisee or lessee of fifty (50) or more clubs or club management companies, or the designated representative of such owner or principal.
  5. No corporation/entity may be represented by more than one board member or nominee.
  6. Previous directors may be re-nominated after a two-year hiatus.
  7. At least two-thirds of the board shall be equity owners.